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B.D.Public School

Best C.B.S.E School in Patna

  • Expert Teachers
  • 1000+ Students
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The best School for Primary and Secondary Eductaion

We Aim To Provide Every Child With Best

Learning Environment

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Start learning with BDPS for better future.

Best 10+2 facilities for

your Child.

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Students Creative Activities

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B.D. Public School Beur, is run under the aegis of Budha Vikash Samiti. The zenith which the school has been able to reach is largely due to the untiring effort and devotion of Shri Sheo Bihari Roy whose services the school still enjoys as its Director. Some eminent educationists, like Dr. D.N. Mishra (Rtd. Prof., Patna University, Patna) who out of a sense of devotion to the cause of education, spare some time regularly, to guide the students. The school is headed by an eminent Principal, Smt. Madhwi Kumari, who is an academician and sustains the students as a mother.