Code Of Conduct For Students

• To explain the philosophy behind the processes & structures which shape the ethos
within the school.
• To share common expectations of effective behaviour for learning and to provide
a consistent response to both positive and negative behaviours.
• To provide a safe environment for learning in which every student is able to enjoy
the positive experiences in the school campus.
• To ensure that students are able to work effectively.
• To ensure the health & emotional well being of everyone in the school.
• Each student shall obey the code of conduct laid by school. Any misconduct or
violation of the code of conduct is liable for action as per school rules.
• Students are expected to communicate in English during school hours except in
the class of Hindi & second/third language.

• Students must come in proper and complete school uniform along with their
I-cards as defined by the school.
• Girls with long hair to come with their hair plaited. Short hair should be neatly cut
and pinned.
• Students are not allowed to come in civil dress on any occasion (for e.g. birthdays,
festivals etc.) unless instructed by teachers.
• Students are not permitted to wear fancy/expensive wrist watches or jewellery to
• Certain hygiene factors are to be kept in mind for e.g. overgrown nails and unkempt
hair are not permitted.
• On the whole, students are expected to dress and groom themselves in such a way
that they do not attract unwarranted attention.


• First/minor Violation : Teacher will speak to the child.
• Second Violation : The child will be counselled by the Principal. Parent will also
be informed.
• Student will be sent home immediately, as an unexcused absence, and will only be
readmitted when accompanied by parents.

• As per CBSE (Examination by laws), Attendance, adding up to 75% of the total
number of working days, is compulsory for students to be able to appear at
• Leave application must be submitted to the class teacher, one day prior in case of
preplanned leave.
• In case of illness, a medical certificate must be submitted within three days of
rejoining school. In case of long leave to attend important family function /
marriage, prior written permission of the Academic Head / Principal must be
obtained otherwise the students will be marked absent.
• Attendance is compulsory on the first day of a new academic session, and on the
day before and the day after the Dussehra/Diwali holidays and the summer/winter
break etc.
• Instances of bunking school/classes would be recorded and appropriate action
would be taken by the school authority.
School Diary should be brought daily and parents should check it regularly for any
communication by the teachers and In-Charges.

While changing classrooms between periods students should move in silence and in
an orderly and disciplined manner. All movements in the school should be towards
the left side.
When the classroom teaching is going on, students are strictly forbidden to leave the
class without the permission of the teacher.
Students are strictly forbidden to leave the school premises during regular school
hours. Permission to do so may be granted only by the Principal.

   WHAT IT MEANS TO US : Discipline is about teaching children appropriate
behaviour and helping them become independent and responsible people. The purpose
of discipline is to encourage moral, physical, and intellectual development and a sense
of responsibility in children. We believe that children have an innate moral compass
that, when nurtured by positive example in an atmosphere of consistency and fairness,
will guide them in making good, ethical choices.

• Students are requested not to wear expensive accessories. Money should not be
borrowed, lent or articles of any nature exchanged. The school is not responsible
for goods or money lost.
• Students are not permitted to use the school telephone except in urgent cases and
with due permission.
• Mobile phones, iPods, Cameras, other electronic gadgets etc, brought to school
by the students will be confiscated and deposited with the Principal. These will be
handed over to the concerned parents at the end of the academic session. Sim cards
of the confiscated phones may, however, be returned to the parents by the class
teachers on the same / next day.
• Inappropriate magazines, books and other print/video/digital materials should not,
be brought to school under any circumstances.
• Physical and verbal violence, use of abusive and disrespectful language is strictly
• Each child is under our care and protection; we attempt to see that violence is not
done either to or by him/her.

• Students are not to be seen in public places in their school uniform after school
hours without prior permission of the Principal.
• Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and
disrespect towards members of the school staff will be dealt with firmly.
• Students who are dropped/ picked up by parents/attendants will not be permitted
to leave the school unaccompanied. In case of a delay, it should be reported to the
school office.
• Students must be picked up punctually after school hours. In the interest of the
students the school actively discourages early pick-ups.
• Students are not allowed to come to school by self driven vehicles.
• In the school transport, students must not bully other students, place feet on the
seat, fight, spit or use offensive language, throw any article around or from the bus,
stand and/or move in the moving bus.
• Students must keep their cycles locked in the space provided. The school will not
be responsible for any loss or damage.
• No Money collection for any purpose is allowed in the school without prior
permission of the Principal.
• Students must understand that a school is judged by the discipline and conduct
of its students. They should always be polite and courteous to their teachers and
elders and other school staff.
• Students should respect school property. If the students indulge in damaging the
school property, he/she has to replace the damaged one.
• The consumption of alcohol/drugs, intoxicants, smoking or substance abuse
of any sort is strictly prohibited and requires the active cooperation of parents.
Any student involved in the above would be liable for strict action by the school
• The students are expected to be sincere and honest in the examination hall. Strict
measures will be taken if the child is found using unfair means during the exams.
• Use of crackers and colours during the festive occasion is strictly prohibited.
• The Management, reserves the right to rusticate/suspend any student, who persists
in behaving in an indisciplined manner even after being issued written warning.
B.D.P.S. aspires to cultivate principals and compassion among students that will
ensure environment of deference and care for all individuals. To gently usher
everyone in the realm of reverence and concern for each other, we have duly
outlined the code of conduct to be followed in the school premises.
Let us pledge to uphold the same!

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B.D Public School - Patna
B.D Public School - Patna